Bringing tech hubs and science laboratories closer to rural communities and hard to reach areas.

Sciencekafe is committed to raising STEM literacy in Nigerian classrooms. STEM is a way of thinking and it is about the required skills to study science, technology and mathematics, and how engineering and design processes and principles are used to achieve an outcome.


Science KIT


Lab Equipment

10+ Tech


Levelling Up

You will leave better than the way you came

In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it's more important than ever that our nation's youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions.

STEM education at ScienceKafe goes beyond school subjects. It gives a skill set that governs the way we think and behave. Merging science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, STEM education helps us to solve the challenges the world faces today.

Intuitive & Innovative

Fully Equipped

Proffesional Tutors

Ease of Accessibility

Why Stem Education?.

building values from the grassroots.

The STEM approach to education fosters creativity and divergent thinking alongside fundamental disciplines.

Each STEM component brings a valuable contribution to a well-rounded education. Science gives learners an in-depth understanding of the world around us. It helps them to become better at research and critical thinking. Technology prepares young people to work in an environment full of high-tech innovations. Engineering allows students to enhance problem-solving skills and apply knowledge in new projects. Mathematics enables people to analyze information, eliminate errors, and make conscious decisions when designing solutions. STEM education links these disciplines into a cohesive system.

Make a donation

Help sponsor a science lab

We need your support to continually provide a blended learning environment that shows students how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life.

This way, we improve communities, offering new educational and employment opportunities, promoting values and moving towards a single purpose. With your ScienceKafe will be able to make more impact in driving stem education in our society.

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From our lab

Helping students reach their full potential

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